Friday, March 14, 2008

Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' in scripture?

How many of you out there know that there is a passage in scripture that talks about tombs breaking open and dead saints suddenly cruising into town for a visit? There is. It's found in Matthew's account (and only here) of the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Matthew 27:51-53
And behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth shook and the rocks were split.

The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many.

"Falling asleep" is a metaphor for death. These saints were dead. There was no pulse. Hopes for recovery were long gone. Families had grieved and accepted and moved on.

Death is final. Right?

Not this time.

This time, the power of the cross reached across all natural, scientifically imposed boundaries and did something SUPER-natural. It raised the dead.

Sometimes we forget that the Holy Spirit doesn't just heal. He resurrects. Yes, we've read about it with Lazarus and with the widow's son - but this is different. Jesus didn't even touch them, or call to them.

Matthew was trying to tell us something. There was great power released in the death of Jesus. Power to save. Power to heal. Power to resurrect. The death of Jesus ushered in an opportunity for a resurrected and renewed mind, body and soul!

The death of Jesus breaks the power of death itself.

Does that mean literal resurrection still happens today? I have heard that it does, and I believe it.

I also believe that there are many other ways we can be surrounded by death: A dead marriage; a cold-to-the-touch, numb conscience; a black and hard heart; a dead and buried dream; a dead-end life.

There is power in the death and resurrection of Jesus to bring life to our dead places.

People who had been dead for who knows how long got up and walked into town.

Now that's POWER.

More importantly than that power, is the LOVE behind that power.

Those two things together are enough to wake up any area in your life that has "fallen asleep".

Look to the power and love that was demonstrated in the death and miraculous resurrection of Jesus. Look to Him for the supernatural power needed for resurrection in your life. Look to Him and find the HOPE that you have been thirsting for.

Scholars debate many parts of this passage, not the least of which is the question of where the saints were in between the earthquake at Jesus' death and the celebration of His resurrection.

Maybe there were practicing their choreography.

For your enjoyment, here is another kind of wedding party inspired by Thriller.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know how you found that video but that is too funny.

I love your insights, I am glad you started this blog.