Saturday, April 26, 2008

Alldone hello? Alldone hello?

These were the words coming out of my almost two-year-old’s mouth. For further clarification, Noah calls a phone a “hello”. “All done” is simply what he says when either he is all done with something, or he wants YOU to be all done with something.

Yesterday, he wanted me to be “all done“ with my phone.

I can’t really blame him. I myself have come to realize in the last couple of weeks that I have become somewhat addicted to my iPhone.

The evidence is overwhelming against me:

1. On my nightstand there rests a bible, a book by Max Lucado, and my iPhone. Which do you think I put down last before bed? My iPhone. The other two are lucky if they get picked up at all.

2. While my eyes are still barely open in the morning, the first thing I do is reach over, grab my phone, and check my email.

Check my email? First thing.

3. I will check my email on my phone while I am driving (even if I am 5 blocks from my house).

4. Throughout the day I will continually check for texts, emails or any other random blog update.

Needless to say, this is becoming a problem. Is this the way I want my son to remember me? On Thursday night, a friend was telling a group of us how awesome her mom is because she has always read her bible.

What will Noah say someday?

“Yeah I remember my mom was always on her phone doing something”

If I could script it, I would prefer he say,

“Yeah, my mom was always in the Word, she was such a godly woman with a sweet spirit, always praying”

Doesn’t that sound much better?

But his memories are happening right now. I will never get any moment back that has already passed and I have no time to lose. It’s not too late to show my son that there are more important things than being connected to everyone and everything at every moment. I want him to know that it is important to connect with our Father in heaven, to check in with HIM throughout the day. I want him to learn that when a crisis arises we should talk to Jesus about it first, not the top five people in our family plan. I want him to understand that time with those you love is far more valuable than time with a computer or other piece of technology.

Years ago I heard a pastor talk about not answering the phone during dinner with the family or time out with a friend. He said we shouldn't sacrifice time with the person who is present with us in exchange for a conversation with someone who isn't there. We should be present wherever we are. This has stuck with me and I generally don't answer the phone during dinner. However, now that cell phones are so prevalent, I answer my phone every other time of the day. Perhaps not when spending quality time with a friend, but how about when I'm spending quality time with Noah? Am I sacrificing the present with him for the urgency of a ringing phone or a dinging of an incoming text?

My husband and I decided long ago that we wouldn't 1) have a TV in our bedroom and 2) use our laptops together while sitting on the couches in the family room. Those just seemed like dangerous ways to promote being in the same room but not really connecting with each other. It has gone along swimmingly... until I recently noticed that now we will both be on our iPhones while sitting in the family room. That's not much different is it?

How have we become so controlled by technology? We *THINK* that every step forward gives us control... but the reality is, it's the other way around.

I have been convicted and challenged these last few weeks. I think the way I have been living is wrong and I am going to change it.

From now on:
- If my day starts with my iPhone, it will be because I am playing worship on it.
- The last thing my eyes will see at night will be the Word of God.
- I will break my habit of email checking by not checking it unless I'm home.
- I will pray out loud daily and read scriptures so Noah learns by my example what is truly important.

I know that I am not the only one who has this addiction. I hope everyone who reads this feels challenged in some way to re-prioritize their "connections". Is your child, your marriage, or your God telling you "Alldone hello"? Maybe for you it's "Alldone computer" or "Alldone Playstation". Every day, we are given ample opportunities to sacrifice the magnificent for the mundane...

Let's take some ground back today and put the magnificent back in it's rightful place - at the top of our priority list.


Carrie said...

Love your thoughts & your heart here Kim ... I appreciate your willingness to identify and challenge your own struggles which in turn, challenges the rest of us. Jason & I were given a "Daily Light" scriptural compilation by Anne Graham Lotz which has morning/evening readings. We have really enjoyed that it is just pure scripture & in an easy format for beginning & ending the day...we now end everyday reading it outloud together & hope we will always do so ...

Kellyry said...

I need "All Done" books, computer, sleep, tv, photography, etc, etc. All of these things take me away from God at various times when I might otherwise be turning to him. And I can absolutely relate to calling others before talking to God. Sigh. Thanks for the challenge.

Molly W. said...

So I'm convicted! I think I should be "all done laptop!" My daughter will come up to me and shut it while I'm typing..hmmm, think she's trying to tell me something? Cool post Kim.

Ms.Understood said...

Ok so as I read this, Rocky is outside with Kenna on her bike. I am on the laptop in the Family. God is talking to me through you! Bye!!! PS. I did love reading your blog.